Nina Canned Tomatoes

Nina canned tomatoes are one of the best canned tomato brands that I've tasted and if you seen my canned tomato page you'll know that I've tasted quite a few. It's important to me to use a great quality brand because you can't have a great tomato sauce recipe if you make it with low quality tomatoes.

Nina distributes tomatoes from the San Marzano vicinity. Although they are not "San Marzano" tomatoes which means they have to come from the region of San Marzano they can not be called San Marazano tomatoes. However, these babies are GREAT tasting, BEAUTIFUL Color, TENDER Texture and at an AMAZING price.

The San Marzano tomato comes from San Marzano Italy which is a town in the region of Argro Nocerino Sarnese in between Naples and Salerno known in Italy as San Marzano Sul Sarno.

The tomatoes that come from this region are believed to be the sweetest in the world.

Nina canned tomatoes must be right next door because they are soooo good!

When I first tried Nina plum tomatoes I had a difficult time distinguishing the a San Marzano tomato and these Italian canned tomatoes. They were both delicious. Both were tender and sweet, and both were a deep and luscious red. The San Marzano was just a little better but it was darn close.

I've found this brand of canned tomato in many Italian specialty stores, some independent local markets and in Costco. Costco sells the #10 tin (an industry term) weighing 6lb, 10oz or 300 GR, which is the large, industrial size can of Nina San Marzano tomato for under four dollars. WOW! Now that's a GREAT a deal. Normally a small can of San Marzano's in 28oz or 793 GR in size is just under three dollars in most stores.

So if you plan on making a big pot of your favorite tomato sauce recipe I would take a trip over to Costco and get a can or two.

Nina Canned tomatoes made it to my canned tomato comparison so be sure to read about other great brands of tomatoes to use for your Italian pasta recipes!

Do you have a easy pasta recipe you'd like to share? Post it here on this site for a whole page dedicated to your Italian pasta recipe.


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