Italian Words

Italian Words
You'll Want to Know

There are some Italian words you are going to want to learn when creating your Pasta recipes. It's not difficult at all in fact I'll bet you know a lot of the words in this Italian food glossary already just by going to Italian restaurants.

Do you know how to say Spaghetti in Italian?
See you already know a lot of Italian food words.

Italian Food is a great motivator to learning Italian.

Si? That's the Italian for Yes!

Al Dente : Italian words meaning To the tooth. Referring to the crunch on the tooth when you bite into pasta that is cooked al Dente rather then mushy.

Aceto : Vinegar

Aceto Balsamico : Balsamic Vinegar. Sweet and varies in thickness.

Acciuga : Anchovy

Aglio : Garlic

Aglio Olio : Garlic Oil Sauce

Al Forno : Oven baked

Aragosta : Small rock lobster

Arrosto : Roasted

Asparigi : Asparagus

Balsamico: Balsamic

Balsamico Denso: Thick Balsamic Vinegar

Basilico : Basil

Bocconcini : Small Mozzarella Balls

Bolognese : Meat Sauce

Brodo : Broth

Brodo di Manzo : Beef Broth

Brodo di Pollo : Chicken Broth

Brodo di Pesce : Fish Broth

Buccatini : Hollow thick spaghetti

Burro : Butter

Cacciatore : Italian word for Hunters Style. Referring to an amazing chicken dish that I serve with Pasta.

Caldo : Hot as in temperature hot.

Canestrelli : Scallops

Cannellini : White Beans often used in Pasta Fagioli

Capperi : Capers

Caprese Insalata : Mozzarella & Tomato Salad

Carbonara : Cream Sauce with Panchetta and cheese

Core Carcaciofi : Artichoke Hearts

Carcaciofi : Artichokes

Carne : Meat

Cavolo : Cabbage

Cavolfiori : Cauliflower

Ceci : Chick peas

Cetrioli : Cucumber

Ciabatta : Thick crusty Italian Bread

Cipolle : Onions

Coniglio : Rabbit

Costoletta : Cutlets

Cotto : Cooked

Cozze : Mussels

Crudo : Raw

Cucina : Kitchen

Denso : Dense. As in Balsamico Denso. Thick.

Diavola : Spicy Sauce

Dolce : Sweet

Fagioli : Beans

Farcito : Stuffed

Finocchio : Fennel

Foccaccia : Flat Bread

Fontina : Type of Italian Cheese Formaggio : Cheese

Forno : Oven

Fra Diavolo : Italian words that translates into "Of the Devil". It's a hot spicy sauce.

Freddo : Cold

Fritto : Fried

Frutti de mare : Shellfish Salad

Funghi : Mushrooms

Gamberetti : Shrimp

Gorgonzola : Type of Italian cheese. Similar to Blue cheese but stronger in flavor. And better tasting!

Gorgonzola Dolce : Same as Gorgonzola but a creamy version and slightly sweeter in taste.

Grana Padano : Hard Cheese

Granchio : Crab

Griglia : Grilled

Impanato : Breaded

Indiviloa : Endive

Insalata : Salad

Lardo : Lard

Lasagna : A layered baked pasta dish

Lauro : Bay leaf

Lenticchie : Lentils

Lesso : Boiled

Lemoncello : Lemon Liquor

Limone : Lemon

Lupo id Mare : Wolf of the Sea (lobster)

Maccarello : Mackerel

Maiale : Pork

Mais : Corn

Manzo : Beef

Marinara : A basic Tomato Sauce recipe

Marsela : Sweet wine

Marscpone : Creamy Cheese

Mela : Apple

Melanzane : Eggplant

Minestrone : Vegetable Italian pasta soup

Mortadella : Type of Bologna

Moscato : Nutmeg

Mozzarella : Soft Cheese

Mozzarella di Bufalo : Buffalo Mozzarella soft and delicious, usual originate from the South of Italy.

Nodini : Veal Chops

Osso Bucco : Braised Veal Shank Stew

Ostriche : Oysters

Pancetta : Bacon

Pane : Bread

Panini : Sandwich

Parmesan : Type of Italian Cheese

Pecorino : Italian Cheese similar to Parmegiano but dryer. Made from Sheep's milk rather then Cow's milk.

Peoci : Mussels

Pepe Nero : Black Pepper

Pepe Verdi : Green Pepper corns

Peperino : Green Pepper

Pesce : Fish

Pesto : Italian word coming from the term Pestare; to crush. It's a pasta sauce made from Basil, garlic and Olive Oil Sauce but pesto sauce recipes varies depending on the region of Italy.

Piselli : Peas

Polenta : Semolina Corn meal

Polipi : Octopus

Pollo : Chicken

Pomodori : Tomato

Pomodoro : Tomato sauce

Porchetta : Suckling pig

Porcini : Type of Mushroom

Pressemolo : Parsley

Prosciutto : Cured Ham

Provola : Type of Italian Cheese

Provolone : Type of Italian Cheese

Ricotta : Type of Italian Cheese

Riso : Rice

Risotto : Type of Italian Rice Dish

Robiola : Type of Italian Cheese

Rosmarino : Rosemary

Rucola : Arugula

Sale : Salt

Salsicce : Sausage

San Marzano : An area where the sweetest tomatoes in the world come from.

Satimbocca : Italian Veal dish

Sambucca : Licorice liquor

Sardi : Sardines

Scaloppine : Thinly sliced meats

Scologna : Shallots

Sopressata : Type of Italian Dry Sausage

Spigoli : Sea Bass

Stracchino : Type of Italian Goat Cheese

Stracciatella : Torn apart (type of egg Soup or Easter Soup)

Tartufo : Truffle

Taleggio : Type of Italian Cheese

Timo : Thyme

Tonno : Tuna

Totano : Squid

Trota : Trout

Uovo : Egg

Vitello : Veal

Volgole : Clams

Zafferano : Saffron

Zucchero : Sugar

Zucchine : Squash

Zuppa : Soup

These are just some of the many Italian words you can experiment with while your cooking. Time to use some Italian words in your Tomato sauce recipes!
