Pasta Maker

Only the best intalian pasta recipes


Pesto Calabrese

Pesto Calabrese creates a surprising BANG in your mouth as you taste the blend of sweet red peppers, ricotta, other Italian cheeses and the perfect amount of heat to keep it Southern Italian Style!Southern Italians are the largest and first manufacturers of Pasta in

History Of Mozzarella

The History of Mozzarella is much like most Italian Food History. Nobody really knows for sure where is came from but you can bet that it's delicious. I don't think anybody kept track because they were too busy eating the food.Mozzare means to cut

Buffalo Meat Lasagna

Buffalo Meat Lasagna? Add Portobella Mushrooms and Mangia! Buffalo meat lasagna is unique, flavorful and naturally low in fat. On a recent ski trip to Park City I was asked to make a casserole for the Super Bowl party. Casserole? How do you

Amatriciana Sauce

Mirko's Amatriciana Sauce Amatriciana Sauce is a traditional Italian pasta recipe made with Pancetta, or if you're lucky enough to find it, dried pork cheek. Then blended with rich and thick tomato sauce and pecorino cheese to create a hearty and flavorful Italian pasta recipe.My Roman friend Mirko

Italian Joke 13

  An Italian Joke about Spaghetti and MeatballsAn Italian man was having an affair with his neighbor. Shortly afterward, she told him that she was pregnant. Not wanting his wife to know, he gave the neighbor a sum of money and

Escarole Recipe

An Escarole Recipe with Pancetta, Pasta & Brie I made this Escarole recipe with pasta and pancetta for a friend of mine that I haven't seen for fifteen years. I created this recipe as my friend explained how much he loved pasta but didn't want a

Chicken Stock Recipe

Homemade Chicken Stock Recipe A homemade chicken stock recipe is only the way to go when you are making Italian food or all your Italian soup recipes. The basis of Italian food is all about fresh, quality ingredients. Especially the chicken stock or

Homemade Pesto Genovese

A homemade pesto you would find in the Cinque Terre (5 lands) region in Northern Italy. Pesto pasta is traditionally served with Trofie pasta and it's delicious! Cinque Terre is a group of 5 towns that are bellied into the cliffs in

Egg Pasta

Egg PastaWhat's the difference? The difference between Egg Pasta and regular pasta is all in the yolks.Yes there is egg in regular pasta. I use it in my homemade pasta recipe and most Italians that I know use egg in there recipe too. However, if you're making

Gourmet Restaurant Recipes

Gourmet Restaurant Recipes From your favorite Italian Joint! Gourmet Restaurant Recipes from Italian Restaurants all over the world! Find famous and great Italian restaurant recipes or share your best kept secret for authentic and delicious Italian Food. These are YOUR Gourmet choices. Believe it